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Monday, June 17, 2013

Agents and extremists in the background pulling the strings? - DTJ ONLINE

Agents and extremists in the background pulling the strings? - DTJ ONLINE:

Agents and extremists in the background pulling the strings?

Turkey is in turmoil. But how could so suddenly come to so much violence? Several arrests by the security forces now confirm the suspicion that Turkey was the victim of a dreaded guest: the agent provocateur.

I am aware that the "foreign interference" is a very touchy subject. While this aspect of many people is dismissed as a confused conspiracy theory, try especially politicians repeatedly blame for unpleasant events and trends to push on workers from abroad to construct such a picture of the "internal cohesion". To be clear immediately: This article is not intended to be used to justify the violence on the streets of Turkey - by whomever it was exercised
and is - nor should the claim by some politicians support, workers from abroad are solely responsible for the escalation responsible. Whoever as a tourist in Istanbul this is daily driving, the opportunity can not miss visiting the centers of the current protest. Many of Istanbul's visitors took pictures of flag-waving protesters in Taksim Square, or sought interviews with activists in Gezi Park. , but it is believed some of the media reports and the statements of the Turkish security forces, as in Istanbul and other Turkish cities currently also all other "foreign guests" in the thick of the protesters go. agents and provocateurs as Agent Provocateur is referred to a person who is usually concealed in order to provoke a state parties to an unlawful act. Provoked by the illegal act is to strengthen its own position, creates tension in a society or an intervention of friendly forces to be legitimized in public. Iranian provocateurs on Turkish roads?
 Turkish police arrested on 4 June, for example, an Iranian national who is accused to have stepped on some demonstrations in Ankara as a provocateur in appearance. The newspaper "Today's Zaman" reported the man standing at the same time suspected to have connections to the Iranian foreign intelligence. Overall, Turkey last week already took the course of investigations 15 foreign people whom participates in the violent events of the past days and weeks should have. Most of these people are Iranian nationals. Erzurum in eastern Turkey last week, was also arrested an Iranian who allegedly planned an attack on a delegation to inquire in the peace process to the needs of the population. The prosecutor of Erzurum said there was a suspicion that the detainee had a chat contact to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. leftists and foreign provocateurs mingling with demonstrators , the Turkish government accused beyond eleven illegal, mostly left-wing extremist groups, to have mingled with the demonstrators and to exploit the protests for their political goals. conspiracy theories in Turkey are a widespread phenomenon. The different groups use regularly such accusations and try as certain persons to discredit political movements or developments.Yet despite all that hype often a kernel of truth contained, shows the revelation of an Iranian spy ring in 2012. The Turkish intelligence service was the intelligence activities of nine people - some of them Turkish nationals - and discover in connection with the Iranian secret service. The unmasked agent is alleged to have collected for Iran strategic and sensitive information of the Turkey and exchanged intelligence expertise with the terrorist group PKK. Agent Provocateur common means of intelligence The relations between Ankara and Tehran is especially due to the contradictory position of the Syrian civil war massively deteriorated. The Iranian intelligence reports should follow before the current protests have tried at various levels, to infiltrate Turkey . Even Tehran is suspected to be an opponent of the peace process to resolve the Kurdish conflict in Turkey and a "secret diplomacy" to talk with the PKK leadership . too on the recent demonstrations in Turkey could such individuals or groups come to use his, in the short term to achieve a violent escalation between protesters and state power and the medium polarization of Turkish society before the important elections of the next two years.effect of the protests: displacement of other events from the headlines , too, is the time of the riots in Turkey is important. To determine who benefited from the escalation in Turkey and the enormous media attention, one need only look to the category "foreign intelligence" Turkish and Western media: Until two weeks ago still dominated the cruel war in Syria, the local headlines, which increases the pressure on Western and Turkish politicians increased to finally active against the Syrian regime. But since the escalation in Istanbul the killing in Syria seems to have disappeared from the headlines. And this, although has happened in Syria in recent weeks decisive: The troops of the massively supported by Tehran Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could thanks to the military support of the Lebanese Hezbollah apparently win militarily and strategically important victories in recent weeks. How could political or even military pressure Assad averted for the time being and decided now arming the rebels might be delayed.Reports: Turkish police provocateurs in Ankara But the foreign - or controlled by foreign intelligence agencies - troublemakers are only one side of the coin. Perturbed about demonstrators in Ankara reported that they had desperately tried some obviously violent individuals in the crowd by throwing stones to hold in order to continue to demonstrate peacefully. But all attempts at appeasement, despite these individuals began throwing objects in the direction of the police, whereupon they immediately hit back with full force and broke up the demonstration with water cannons and tear gas.Many of the protesters expressed following the suspicion that the Turkish police have their own provocateurs infiltrated into the peaceful crowd, to have a reason for a rapid resolution of the large and hitherto peaceful rally. , the use of agents provocateurs is usually been strictly regulated in democracies, since the state operated in this way as lawbreakers and actions provoked that would have not committed without the state-controlled agents.

Uninvited guest: Agent Provocateur
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